Thursday, September 07, 2017

The issues of Christians

(James 1:1-15)

James 1 identifies a variety of issues that Christians sometimes have to deal with in their lives. For example, in verse 14, James explains that we are tempted by our own desire and exhorts reader not to be deceived by the lure of sin. Implicit in James's Instructions on how Christians should live and treat one another is the encouragement ti engage in some self-examination. Take a few moments today and listen to what is within you. What feelings, emotions, and thoughts do you hold at this moment? As you continue to reflect, use the prayer below as assurance that God will be with you.

God of grace and God of glory, bless us with your powerful love.
We come before you,
some of us frail, others fragile,
some of us sorrowful, others shameful,
some of us weak, others wounder,
some of us seeking, others hiding,
some of us doubtful, others disbelieving,
some of us helpful, others skeptical,
some of us in need, others wanting to give,
some of us empty, others lost in abundance,
some of us ready, others uncertain,
each of us in need of your life-restoring grace.

Meet us here, gracious God, as we come to you in complete honesty. May we know and be known by the all-sufficient grace You offer to us. Through Jesus Christian our Lord. Amen



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