Monday, November 20, 2017

Excellence In Giving

"Money, money, money. That's all they talk about at church!"
This complaint is sometimes heard after a sermon or Sunday School lesson on giving. The complaint often comes from people who attend only occasionally and happen to come during a financial stewardship emphasis in the church, A pastor or a Sunday School teacher cannot preach or teach the Bible without mentioning giving. The Old Testament says much about the right attitude toward possessions and calls for generosity in helping the needy and bringing tithes in worship. Jesus constantly taught about giving and warned against covetousness. The Book of Acts focuses on the sharing within the Jerusalem church and the gifts of the Antioch church to the Jerusalem church members. Many of the New Testament letters deal with possessions and generous giving.

The longest Bible passage on giving is 2 Corinthians 8-9. Paul was promoting an offering from the Gentile churches for the poor believers in Jerusalem. Although the word money is not found in these two chapters, they present most of the biblical principles about giving.

 The first lesson, "Why I Give," is based on selected verses from 2 Corinthians 8. The second lesson, "How I Give," is based on 2 Corinthians 9.

  • demonstrate your commitment to God through giving (Dec.7)
  • always honor God in your giving (Dec.14)

  This two lessons are especially appropriate for the Christmas season, when there is so much emphasis on giving and receiving.The lessons point to Christi's giving Himself (8:9) and to God's great gift in sending Him (9:15). Each warns against the dangers of a selfish, covetous attitude--an appropriate warning at this time of the year.
 Southern Baptists have a great opportunity at Christmas to give to the Lord by giving to the cause that was closest to His heart-taking the good news to all people. We do this through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the International Missions.

~Study Theme

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